written by
Wesley Harrison

CRM Solution (Customer Relationship Management) - Which Is Best?

4 min read

An Email Question came in yesterday and I want to share it with you: "Is there a CRM that you have heard positive things about?"

My Reply: In answer to your question, there are so many to choose from BUT first we have to identify where you are standing, and where we want to "grow" to. 

Fact: There is no "perfect" solution. It does not exist. Do not fall for anyone telling you "this is the one."

To choose a CRM system (or any solution) to start with, we need to consider these questions:

  • 1) What are your goals for the system?
  • 2) What core features are important to you?
  • 3) What customization needs do you have?

Some of these "considerations" you are not going to know all the answers to as you are still building your business/practice and as you do your perspectives and needs are going to shift and that is part of this "adventure" called building a business/practice. 

Aside from the above 3, the next "solution" choice considerations are: 

  • 1) What are you currently using to get "this job" done. 
  • 2) Why is this solution weak and not working for you? (list out here) 

IMPORTANT: Can the current solution being used integrate EASILY into the new solution being considered and does the new solution have the capability to integrate with other platforms in the future? In Short: Do you currently have one, if so, whats broken about it and does the new one being considered play nicely with others?

Next consideration (for anything business related) is Security and Compliance. Is it secure and does it comply with Rules and Reg's?

NOTE: Before choosing any "solution" to anything, as long as you always ask yourself the above base questions, you'll be ahead of the curve and will eliminate making a "wrong choice" as the solution you choose will solve your need for the stage you are at, and (more importantly) you've tried to ensure it will work far into the foreseeable future because you've "future casted" your business/practice growth needs. This step alone will put you far ahead of the pack.

While there are other considerations for any "solution" choice, at this point for a CRM solution choice, I would ask you this: 

1) Do you currently have an email service provider? If so, who is it? If not, lets start there.

Either way, we will need to design an iteration 1.0 follow-up "system." 

I call my "system" ACCESS: ACCESS = Automated, Complete, Customer, Engagement, Sequencing, System.

ACCESS starts with crafting a "Welcome, It's nice to meet you, I'm Insert Name Here" campaign of 2 or 3 emails. It builds out from there and never ends.

Then we plug those templates into a "solution" that will automate the delivery of those emails when a new prospective/current client engages with you.

The "solution" we choose for automating this process depends on the above questions (and observations) being answered and noted.

I know, long answer to "Wes, any CRM recommendations?" BUT this decision sequence should be applied to all future "solution" considerations you'll encounter from here on out as you grow your business/practice.

Important Point #2: Usually when you stop and take into consider all the above, you'll find that what you already have in place is actually good enough. It only needed a little focus on it. 

This tip alone will save you from wasting 10's of thousands of dollars on SAAS solutions (Software as a solution) that are Pure Crap and do not actually work as described by the rep, I promise.

Now to the Answer you've asked me for:   

For now, KISS (Keep It Simple Silly) applies. Having the "welcome" email templates written out, will put you ahead of the curve and is actually step one. Suggestion, use a google docs page as your iteration 1 collaboration board.

The best way to start this "process" is to sign up for your competitors emails to see what they have done and are currently doing (or have your assistant do it). Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. Uncomfortable doing that? I get it... I "used" to be too... this problem is solved below....

Real Life: Below is a link to various real world automated email campaigns that are running now and are making money for the companies that are using them. This link is to provide you 2 things: 1) An idea of what we will eventually build and 2) inspiration.

Do not let this overwhelm you, as you have a guide that has traveled this path many times before. Take a look and absorb what 'this part' of 'this process' looks like out in the real world. This will also shed light on why I suggest that you map your clients journey through interactions with your product and service. 

As you look at these, you'll notice that at each step of their clients journey, in the good sequences, each email is written slightly different as one progresses through their campaign (warning: you'll see some are all sales, sales, sales & we don't want to do that).


Note: It will not show you all of the examples unless you are logged in: Create an account, it's free and they don't spam or over do it at all.

Questions? Book a call with me here: https://bookme.name/wesleyharrison

Wesley J. Harrison CEO Harrison Enterprises LLC
phone: 816-482-3755
email: wes@wesleyharrison.com
address: 1201 NW Briarcliff Pkwy STE 200,
Kansas City, MO 64116