written by
Wesley Harrison

Its Not What You Do, It's the "Transformation You Facilitate..."

Increase Business 3 min read


Last week I mentioned how to use the YouTube app to create content fast and that this week I would touch on how to research and identify the hot topics as they relate your products and services.

Before we do this though, we need to clarify who we serve and what we do. If you will continue reading, I promise this will make much more sense...

People do not want more products and services. What they DO WANT is the "transformation" your products and services can provide.

The "transformation they seek" could be any number of things and most people want more than one. For example: Lose weight and to have more money in the bank. A new car etc.

The Questions Is: How effective does your marketing message communicate the "transformation" your product and services provide "THEM?" When you read your marketing materials, I'm willing to bet it probably makes perfect sense to you. I can assure you: this is where your "problem" is. No one else understands your message like you do.

Let's test this.

Below is your "transformation" communication checklist.
Instructions: Read and answer the following questions. Note your initial thoughts.

The “Transformation” Checklist: Download a PDF version - Click Here

Answer These 8 Questions:

  • Who do you serve?
  • What problem are you solving?
  • What is the prevailing wisdom?
  • What's wrong with that wisdom?
  • How are you different?
  • When you tell people, what are the objections they have?
  • What might stop someone from having success?
  • What is your offer?
  • Bonus: How would you explain all this to a child? To an expert?

LIVE Example: (Notice how my answers are not so 'vague'...)
My answers to these 8 questions: (as they pertain to Breakfast Club KC Members):

  • Who do you serve? Local Business Owners Who are in a Networking Group
  • What problem are you solving? Lack of real useful marketing information that actually helps them (without any BS).
  • What is the prevailing wisdom? There is none (or very little).
  • What's wrong with that wisdom? It's hard to tell what is "real" and what is not and it creates confusion and frustration within.
  • How are you different? I "used" to be in your exact shoes, 15 years ago.
  • When you tell people, what are the objections they have? No Time, No Money.
  • What might stop someone from having success? ---> Themselves!
  • What is your offer? I can help you identify the highest leverage activity that requires the least amount of effort that will have the highest ROI of time and money for you. Let's Talk.
  • Bonus: How would you explain all this to a child? To an expert?
    To a Child - I help people to be able to understand what a business can actually do to help them.
    To an Expert - I don't say anything because usually they are all full of sh**

In Summary: I help frustrated business owners, like you, with their marketing. How? If what I do for you does not add value far in excess of the amount I'm compensated, I do not even want your money.

The above summary is My Promise of the "Transformation" You Can Expect When You Work With Me and because I've written out my answers to the 8 above, it helps me see my marketing messages from a different point of view.

BIG NOTE: You Can Serve More Than One Client Type and have more than One "Transformation" BUT, Your "marketing message" to each segment cannot.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?
Lets Chat. Schedule a call here: https://bookme.name/wesleyharrison

Wesley J. Harrison