written by
Wesley Harrison

Marketing/Promo Calendar & System Creation PT2 (cont. from last week)

Increase Business 3 min read

This is the continuation of last week where we crafted a marketing/promotional calendar outline in less than 30 minutes.

This week we are going to set up the base email marketing and promotional system that runs on auto pilot (with automation capabilities) in less than 60 minutes that will work for you for over 1 year and not cost a single dime.

Supplies Needed - 1) A little forethought and a notepad/text editor. 2) A free Mailerlite email marketing account.

Setting up your email account. Even if you have other email marketing software or ESP (Email Service Provider), I'm suggesting that you try MailerLite.com. It's fantastic and has the best, user friendly, interface I've seen.

It is free to use for up to 1000 subscribers and includes automation capabilities. Something which "mailchimp" has just removed and is now charging way to much for.

NOTE: Mailerlite tutorials are fantastic BUT you probably will not even need them to get started (you'll see). ML Tutorials: https://www.mailerlite.com/video-tutorials

The Process:
1) Set up your account in MailerLite. 5 minutes. Once you do their on-boarding process, it will require verification from them. This will take a little time (they say it could be 24 hours, but it's only taken a couple hours for the accounts I've set up so far).

We have work to do while your account sending status is pending and by the time the rest of this list below is done, your account should be approved. This process will be over before you know it and it will be a money making machine that will run for over a year on it's own.

2) Outline the following: (see my sample below)
a) Who You Are Talking To and Why
b) What your Call To Action Is - (clearly defined)
c) Lead Time - (I am using 3 weeks)

3) Create A Template: See My Example Below:

Sample Outline:
a) Who I am talking to: BreakfastClubKC Members. Why - to help them build a marketing/promotional campaign calendar system fast (with reminders).
b) My CTA: See "P.S." Section at bottom of sample template below
c) Lead Time: I choose 3 weeks for sending the Promotional Campaign reminders. I know and realize as a busy business owner having 3 trillion things to juggle that we need a little lead time. Ideally we want to be thinking 90 days out. Once this initial system is built (in the next couple of hours) 3 weeks lead time is PLENTY of time to get each campaign refined before it actually goes out IF it needs any adjustment/refinement at all.

My Sample Template:
Hello [$name],

2020 Think Ahead Marketing Campaign Series

[Holiday] is on its way. [Holiday Date].

Create a campaign related to your products and services

GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND for Ideas: Search Query "best [Holiday] emails"

Take a look at what the query returns and within minutes, you'll have ideas

Do Not Over Analyze This. Get an idea and write it out in a text notepad. this way it can be copy/paste into your email provider - trouble free.

Some additional seeds to get your mind thinking:

  • % or $ discount
  • Sales for certain items/designs/colors
  • Exclusive designs for the occasion
  • Free Shipping
  • Flash Sales
  • Giveaways
  • Gifts related to the occasion that come with a purchase

Plan ahead, Think Ahead and You'll Be Ahead (of the crowd)

If you have any questions, thoughts or ideas that you would like to share with the group, We are here!

See you soon!


P.S. If you need any help or ideas for setting up your marketing/promotional campaigns, call Wesley Harrison. He is our BreakfastClubKC.com marketing resource. His contact info is listed on the members page on our website (as is yours) and in your monthly members sheet. https://breakfastclubkc.com/members


4) For setting this whole system up in less than an hour, watch my 18 minute video here (Note: The last 9 minutes just repeats the same process over and over... and over...)

And that's it! You now have a marketing/promotional campaign set up for the next year (or longer) that will not need to be touched again BUT can be added to and/or modified at anytime.

Your Should Enjoy How Good It Feels now that you have a full marketing/promo campaign system for your business that runs automatically, and you've built it in less than an hour (or so). And it doesn't cost you a dime to run. Now that is marketing leverage.