written by
Wesley Harrison

The "Untapped Opportunity" Mind-Shift.

4 min read

Everyone wants an "untapped" opportunity to develop into the next biggest "empire."

Here's Three. This is real.

FACT: They have discovered "Ice On the Moon." Ice is H2O.

Hydrogen is part one of Rocket Fuel. Oxygen Is Part 2. Combined they are water.

As a human, we need a few basics such as: Air, Water, and the "propellant" to power our vehicles across the universe.

Water weight & the limits of the fuel capacity that could be launched and carried from earth efficiently have been two of the biggest barriers to humans exploring the universe.

Ice being discovered on the moon (in the trillions of lbs) COULD solve these barriers.

As soon as you read the sentence above, What is your mindset? What is the internal chatter telling you?

The Question I Pose: Did some form of "BUT..." enter your internal dialogue, even for a slight second? Or did you instantly grasp it and say internally state: "Wow! What an opportunity! How can I leverage this?"

Internal thoughts such as:
1) Perhaps I can make/invent a better Hydrogen Oxygen Separator
2) Perhaps I can make the solar panels for powering the separator and the lunar cities.
3) Perhaps I can develop the process for turning the lunar "dust" into the materials to construct lunar buildings/shelters.
4) Design Lunar mining equipment
5) Lunar Food Growing systems.
6) Lunar bathrooms
7) Lunar showers
8) etc...

What about when we get to mars...

...Endless Possibilities

When you recognize it is precisely this internal thought "process" you've developed and any self-imposed limiting internal barriers to your true potential, you will then be free to explore anything you want (at any time) and the universe is big enough you'll NEVER run out of the "untapped opportunities" you desire.

I'll share this with you: MY MIND "OS" NOTES: (OS = operating system)

#1) I recognize I alone write and program the scripts that direct my internal dialogue. I have the power of my own internal pen to script anything I want and to implement this new script by simply "running my "mind app" update." I know most people will not internally release their "Old Scripting" due to their cognitive biases. I am not one of "them."
Read more about cognitive biases here: See if there are any you recognize: Click Here

#2) Start Here: I'm willing to F.I.O. (Figure It Out). "It" being everything and anything.

#3)Realize "The Journey" is "The Answer I Seek."

A Thought To Ponder: When you were born, after some time of seeing all these people "walking" upright, you finally decided inside that you were going to "Figure It Out" and then did.

You did not ask anyone "how to walk." You did not buy a course on "how to walk." There were no audio programs or subliminal messages programming your subconscious playing "you will walk" repeatedly while you slept. No "Guru" was selling you the "3 Secret Steps to Walking..."


Most importantly of all, you did not have an internal dialogue of a self-limiting script telling you that it's going to be hard, feel as if it's impossible, is going to possibly hurt and that you (of all people) probably can't do "that" so why bother...

Your Success Secret Is This: You just made the decision that you were going to figure it out and did! ...And you've repeated this exact process for every achievement you've ever truly wanted to accomplish. I can prove it: Did you learn how to ride a bike by reading a manual about maintaining balance?

Develop your "F.I.O. mindset" just like you did to lean how to walk and you'll have unlimited "untapped opportunities" to explore because MOST adults are afraid to "walk the required journey to discover their answer for themselves."

Let me ask again: Now that you know there is ice on the moon (the fuel necessary to explore space) can you recognize that there are as many opportunities in front of you right now, as there are grains of sand on any beach (...and even more). If not, look to the stars and know that every single point of light you see in space NO-One else in our history has ever explored that one in person... If it seems "impossible" that's your "untapped opportunity right in front of you."

Bonus Thought: Most of the known "discoveries" today were actually "discovered" while someone was on their "journey" of the "impossible."

When anyone (even yourself) tells you "you can't do that" respond with "you are correct, "you can't do that, but I can. I'm going to F.I.O." and continue along your journey of discovery.

Unlimited Opportunities are Everywhere