written by
Wesley Harrison

Inspire By Fire...

Increase Business 1 min read

I received a phone call yesterday and the general gist of it was, "Wes, can you fill up my event happening on the 17th and 19th of Sept?"

I have been working on a "machine" for generating interest for this type of events (for the future) in the "background..." It was not ready to be turned on (yet).

After we chatted for a few, I found out that due to a series of circumstances beyond control, things have changed. The lead system that was in place is not in place anymore... (as of yesterday).

The Challenge Is To Get 65-80 people to sign up for the 2 events. 30 for each date and a few extras to account for no shows.

The Inspire by Fire Factor: Hard Deadline Decision Date for continuing the event or not is Sept 3rd (7 days).

The "Machine" I'm building, has to RUN, NOW... This "shift" in the priority build settings, made a machine that would not have been turned on for another month, come alive by the end of the day. While it's not perfect, it is pretty and it's actually on.

Will it work? Yes, it will. Even if it only gets one lead generated, that's one more than it would have produced without the new hard deadline - UPDATE: within a hour of being "on" it produced an engagement of interest... That's Progress...

This reminded me of the Zig Ziglar saying, "You don't have to be "great" to "start," BUT you do have to "Start" to be "Great!"

Moral of this post is: Nothing is more motivating to make "Needle Moving" progress happen at light speed than having to meet a "hard deadline."