written by
Wesley Harrison

Everyone Has Something Of Value To Say

Increase Business 5 min read

If by chance you are reading this, I have something of value to say.

It's my hope to save you time, money and frustration in your search to find the elusive answers you seek for growth in your personal life and your business.

Before I proceed further, I recognize and acknowledge everyone has something valuable to say.

...AND everyone is saying it, so much so, I cannot hear what anyone is saying anymore. To me, it's to much noise...

Worse yet, when I identify someone that has caught my attention, and give them some of my most precious resource that I'll never be able to get back (time), and I attempt to apply the knowledge/insight they've shared with me, it usually does not "work" for me they way they said it would. I believe I truly understand why this is so. My experiences and circumstances are "different" from theirs (and all others). Their "answers" and "insights" are their opinions based on their experiences, not mine.

The discovery: I'm recognizing as I grow older and apply the wisdom the universe has provided me, I'm re-discovering everyday the importance of what I used to "know" in my early youth.

The Answers I Want/Need (to achieve anything I desire) Are Already Inside Of Me (<- read that again).

For Example(s):
I learned how to walk without any "how to" books, external instructions, seminars, gurus, AND without even searching on the internet.
I learned how to talk same way.
I learned how to draw before I could talk by drawing (if a "squiggly line" was considered a work of art, I'd be a gozillionaire). I also discovered through repetition of "learning how to draw" that I am not an artist). NOTE: I'm okay with developing this "self-limiting" belief and that "cognitive bias" is another conversation.
I learned the art of keeping "balance" on a bicycle through taking action (repeated trial and refinement of what did not work the first time). As far as my research has identified, there is no book, program or "how to" guide that can teach you how to keep your balance prior to attempting this achievement (similar to learning how to walk).
I learned how to drive a car by driving one.

I could go on, but I feel this list is a good start for pointing out that we truly grow when we are ready to actually take action, roll up our sleeves and get to work on achieving it.

I'm completely confident you will draw the same conclusions about the above examples and even add some of your own (recall some of them, and list them. It's inspirational).

I point these major milestones & life achievements out to you for one reason: Help you to avoid Information Overload from all the people that have something to say about how YOU Should do (fill in the blank here). They are not you.

Each one of the above examples have one thing in common. You consciously made a decision you desire to achieve that capability, and then you did whatever it took to achieve it. I'm willing to bet, most of these were achievements were Before you did an internet search, read "how to" books, sought outside personal guidance, bought "how to" programs from the gurus, etc.

Achievement Fact: Until you make the internal commitment that this is what you are going to do, the "how to do it" is useless. The info you need on "how to do it" comes to you when you are doing it.

Fact: Once you roll up your sleeves and get to work, the universe will then supply the exact information you need at the exact time you need it to help you "grow" forward.

The single biggest frustration for me (for years) was finding what it is that I want to achieve (within every fiber of my being). A "complete life concept" came to me when I did exactly what I'm going to suggest below.

I'm going to suggest asking yourself a single question each night as you drift off to sleep:
"What matters most to me is...?" This single question and the answer that will come from within, will help you align your life, help you to discover that "balance" you seek and will define the next action you need to take when you awake.

If you'll actually follow through on implementing that action step is where all the difference between "where you are (now) and where you want to be (when)" is made.

Summary: The answers you seek are already inside. Look inside first, then you'll know "the true answer."

Research Your Own Experience
Absorb What Is Useful
Reject What Is Useless
Add What is Specifically Your Own
by Bruce Lee

My Success Cheat Sheet looks like this:
My 4 Tools of Success: (Note to self: Every journey begins with taking the first step).
Tip: Don't run. Consistency VS Intensity. Going all out for 3 days won't work.
1) Meditation - Morning Time (20 minutes - 1 hour).
2) Journaling - Morning reflection on my answers from within to Q#3 & Evening next day action planning.
3) Ask My Self Open Ended, Limitless & Self-Challenging Questions (as I drift off to sleep) for my subconscious to evaluate and process. I know the answer it provides is the guidance I seek. If it's not. I recognize I did not ask the right question.
4) I Communicate with my subconscious mind using images, not words.

Keeping Proper Perspective: The things we think about become our reality. Think about things you want, not those things you don't want. In skydiving, there is a basic rule to live by, "focus on where you want to land, not where you don't."

Wesley J. Harrison